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Migrate chamfer distance transform.

Edwin Carlinet requested to merge development/cdt into development/ranges

Implement the CDT #46.

  • doc
  • bench

CDT using the chessboard distance => 45% speedup:

Benchmark Time CPU I Iterations UserCounters...
Old BMMorpho/cdt_2_3 386021213 ns 385243951 ns 2 bytes_per_second=59.4122M/s
BMMorpho/cdt_2_3 210210992 ns 209727755 ns 3 bytes_per_second=109.133M/s
Benchmark Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New
CDT -0.4554 -0.4556 386021213 210210992 385243951 209727755
Edited by Edwin Carlinet

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