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  • Louis-Nol Pouchet's avatar
    2005-05-15 Louis-Noel Pouchet <> · af5c331d
    Louis-Nol Pouchet authored
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/xml_chooser.hh,
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/node.hh,
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/xml_converter.hh,
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/tools.hh,
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/xerces_parser.hh: Fix some include problems.
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/XML.hh: Move macro definitions ...
    	* include/vaucanson/tools/usual_macros.hh:... here.
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/if_tag.hh,
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/if_tag.hxx: Delete. These files are inaccurate
    	at the moment. They will be fixed and re-added, if necessary.
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/strings.hh: Remove a bad include.
    	* doc/xml/vaucanson.xsd: Fix monoid and semiring order for 
    	* include/ Fix and update.
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