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  • Louis-Nol Pouchet's avatar
    2005-06-15 Louis-Noel Pouchet <> · c3910b07
    Louis-Nol Pouchet authored
    	* doc/xml/vaucanson.xsd: Change the grammar in order to make <initial>
    	and <final> children of <transitions>. Suppress tags <initials> and
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/node.hh,
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/node.hxx,
    	* include/vaucanson/xml/xml_converter.hxx: Update according to the 
    	grammar changes.
    	* src/tests/xml/trans_ref.xml,
    	* src/tests/xml/r_ref.xml,
    	* src/tests/xml/z_ref.xml,
    	* src/tests/xml/z_min_plus_ref.xml,
    	* src/tests/xml/b_ref.xml,
    	* src/tests/xml/z_max_plus_ref.xml,
    	* src/tests/xml/fmp_ref.xml,
    	* src/tests/xml/session_ref.xml: Update accordingly.
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